BY:Panamus Cmanto
They have been ,in my time  the living proof of the fabulous nature of this collective dream toward achieving achieving the global goal of zero Aids. But for the moment ,they have turn away from those generalized,macrocosmic notions to concentrate upon a more private ritual:HIV/AIDs,was nevertheless quite imaginary;into a mythical land ,a country which would never exist except by efforts of a phenomenal collective will- except in a dream we all agreed to dream that has been a mass fantasy shared in varying degrees by NOPE,Unitaid,CHRD and among many other key partners,and would  periodically need the santifaction and renewal which can only be provided by rituals of sacrifices and sensitization amongst us in order to  achieve the 90-90-90 ambitious target of UNAIDs has set.
“Due to societal pressure i was forced to marry to cover shame and that was not a very good decision,”Lucy Wanjiku Director of Positive Young Women Voices  said adding that she was diagnosed with HIV and now she lives positively encouraging young people to make the right choices,this story really moved the audience and even made Henry Damisoni of UNAIDS  take to stage with the immodest proposal of the convention theme tone of voice comically assertive,unrelentingly garrulous and with ,i hope,a growing pothos in its narrators increasingly tragic over-claiming,came into being.”Yes where are these men?”NO!NO!Let me use his actual words,”i sat down listening to her story,i was touched and wondered where is that man?Because she didn't acquire the disease through multiple partners,Why aren't men  not adhering to treatment  and care?We need to ponder about this carefully.
“Am a girl who speaks out her mind and do not allow anyone carry me a puppet.”This are the actual words of 16 year old Maryanne Chebet  as she boldly shared her story of living positive since birth,born 800 grams and came to discover of her status at the age of 4years  and after which the father broke up with the mother.At the age of nine the mother took her away from her grandmother and placed her under treatment.The ambitious girl wants to be an investigative journalist and a lawyer.She left the audience mesmerized by her pride after she finished with these two sayings,1.”Stigma and discrimination is the thing that is killing people not HIV/AIDs.”
2.”Stop sympathizing with the youth,they  only need empathy.”
Laitutu Support Group in Kibera has been a home and a school for Nancy Auma  who was born with HIV and has lived with it though through a lot of Stigma  and discrimination from her relatives had forced her earlier to quit taking the ARVs but after a lot of mentorship and listening to fellow victims who have conquered  she is now  a living proof and she is doing community development projects for young girls like her.
This is really a forge of a new path that has changed the mentality of people and the community at large ,in the past it was believed that children born positive will live for a period of time but  we see a living proof of health innovations that have been done to clear that myth away.


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