
Showing posts from June, 2018


THE FORGE OF A NEW PATH BY:Panamus Cmanto They have been ,in my time  the living proof of the fabulous nature of this collective dream toward achieving achieving the global goal of zero Aids. But for the moment ,they have turn away from those generalized,macrocosmic notions to concentrate upon a more private ritual:HIV/AIDs,was nevertheless quite imaginary;into a mythical land ,a country which would never exist except by efforts of a phenomenal collective will- except in a dream we all agreed to dream that has been a mass fantasy shared in varying degrees by NOPE,Unitaid,CHRD and among many other key partners,and would  periodically need the santifaction and renewal which can only be provided by rituals of sacrifices and sensitization amongst us in order to  achieve the 90-90-90 ambitious target of UNAIDs has set. “Due to societal pressure i was forced to marry to cover shame and that was not a very good decision,”Lucy Wanjiku Director of Positive Young Women Voice...

My Birthday (1st June)

Today being the day i was born,i look back and feel a touch of pride at my younger self's dedication to literature,activism and aviation which have always given me the strength of mind to resist the blandishments of enemies of promise.. I was born at Bondeni Maternity on 1st June 1996.And the time?The time matters,too.Well then at night.No,its important to be more...On the stroke of midnight,as a matter of fact.Clock-hands joined palms in respectful greeting as i came.Oh,spe ll it out,spell it out:at the precise instant of Kenya's celebration as a free state on Madaraka Day,i tumbled forth into the world.There were gasps.And,outside the window,fireworks and crowds.A few seconds later,my father broke his big toe;but his a mere trifle when set beside what had befallen me in that benighted moment,because thanks to the occult of tyrannies of those blandly saluting clocks i had been mysteriously handcuffed to history,my destinies indissolubly chained to those of my country.For ...

HERE BY CHOICE(Novel coming)

In the renewed silence,i return to sheets of paper which smell just a little of turmeric ,ready and willing to put out of its misery a narrative which i left yesterday hanging in the mid-air...(enjoy the broken parts of its coming soon) I feel that I will launch this book after I have had all my success in life cause it's ended up being my biography,every chapter everyday.