
Showing posts from 2020

My Death On My Wedding Day.πŸ’”

I don't know where we went,how we lost track but the magnitude of whatever happened to us has left me a walking dead. I am just living but I don't see the meaning of life. Gatush you have made my world stop and I don't know what else I can do but even writing isn't giving me enough solace cause it's like you went with all the ink and now my pen cannot write anymore. If you feel relieved, stay away and continue doing you but if you miss me come back home.


Dropping soon...                 By.Panamus Cmanto When a man is in a preparatory phase for parenthood with his first child, he can go  through a lot of emotion because of the transition. These emotions have a rollercoaster effect for  the man during the said phase or period* and range from extreme highs and lows,  depending upon the man’s economic, relationship, and physical*(did you mean psychological status) or social* status, as well as community  support. As actors in theatre, we use the emotional life of characters to enlighten our choices in  actions and tactics.  In reading a large sample of prenatal plays, I have extracted several possible emotional  changes within a man’s psyche. I also analyzed the social rationale behind these changes through  the writings of sociologists and other scholarly sources. I am dedicating this thesis to                   My ...