Relationships hurt the most, Paramia Cmanto Family. Love them or love them not, there’s often a limit to what you can do with the difficult ones. You can’t live with them and you can’t make them join the circus. When there’s a lifetime of emotional investment involved, it’s likely that any response will hurt and will require a huge push, whether it’s walking away or fighting for the relationship. Even if you decide that the price of being in the relationship is too high, it’s not always easy to leave. Sometimes it’s just not an option. Whether you’re on your way out or bracing for more, here are some ways to protect yourself from the ones who scrape you: Don’t let anyone else’s behaviour change who you are. Be dignified. Be brilliant. Be kind. Don’t let anyone reduce the best of you. Make it clear this isn’t personal. Insecurity is at the heart of a lot of broken relationships. Insecure people will feel attacked even when no attack is made. If this is ...