
HEARTBREAK πŸ’”πŸ–€πŸ’”πŸ–€πŸ’”πŸ–€

How cruel of my heart, To be able to feel when it is broken, How cruel of my heart, To long for the same warmth which chilled it, How cruel of my heart, To go and ask for love from those from them who kept hurting it, How cruel is my heart, To love someone without even getting it! How cruel of my love, To hope from the hopeless, And how cruel of my love, To love someone, Who was devoid of it. "And that is the thing about h heartbreak. You want that warmth but it chills you to the core when you get it...And you want that love...But it feels your heart with hatred right now." @Panamus K.Cmanto

My Death On My Wedding Day.πŸ’”

I don't know where we went,how we lost track but the magnitude of whatever happened to us has left me a walking dead. I am just living but I don't see the meaning of life. Gatush you have made my world stop and I don't know what else I can do but even writing isn't giving me enough solace cause it's like you went with all the ink and now my pen cannot write anymore. If you feel relieved, stay away and continue doing you but if you miss me come back home.


Dropping soon...                 By.Panamus Cmanto When a man is in a preparatory phase for parenthood with his first child, he can go  through a lot of emotion because of the transition. These emotions have a rollercoaster effect for  the man during the said phase or period* and range from extreme highs and lows,  depending upon the man’s economic, relationship, and physical*(did you mean psychological status) or social* status, as well as community  support. As actors in theatre, we use the emotional life of characters to enlighten our choices in  actions and tactics.  In reading a large sample of prenatal plays, I have extracted several possible emotional  changes within a man’s psyche. I also analyzed the social rationale behind these changes through  the writings of sociologists and other scholarly sources. I am dedicating this thesis to                   My ...


You are the reason why I could write about love. You are the ripped pages, the pages no one ever knew about, the pages lost somewhere at the back of my mind, or crumpled, thrown somewhere in the corner of my heart. I just couldn't lay my finger on why or how or since when did you just decide to feel like a million miles away from me... But more than that, what I couldnt understand was how I couldn't seem to stop myself from loving someone who disappeared on me, someone who didn't want to talk about things, who seemingly ignored all the messages I sent, or took so long to reply, who replied too little and often, won't reply at all. I couldn't understand how I could continue to love someone who was deliberately pushing me away, someone who can make me hurt so badly, someone who decided to exit my life, and still... Love that someone even then... And most especially then. I just woke up from this dream and realized that you were nowhere near, that I couldn't be clo...


I don’t know how it started, and I don’t know how it’ll end. Somewhere along the line, though, I fell in love with you. Maybe it was that smile or those hypnotizing eyes. Or perhaps it was your beautiful brain or the way you say my name. I don’t think you even see it, and I doubt you ever will. I’m probably forever friendzoned, even though I desperately long to wrap you in my arms. Your laughter rings forever right inside my ears as your sadness makes me cry. I wish that I could be the one to always make you smile while also carrying the burden of your pain. Although I know it isn’t true, I wonder if somehow you’d ever feel the same. Sometimes when I’m lonely, I imagine what we would be like. Would we be the cheesy, romantic type or the ones who always laugh and keep it light? I mostly picture laughing and enjoying each other’s company. And, probably lots of talking all through the night until we see the sun rising through the curtains. The worst part about it all is that it’s just a f...


 I quit social media for a month. So I quit Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. I just need a break. It is time to cut myself off. I will stop using social media tomorrow morning, and my brain is going crazy. I just realized how often I glance down just to see if I have a notification. When I wake up in the morning, on the way to work, on the taxi, walking from the taxi to work, sometimes at work - sorry - when I get home from work. It's constant. I think I'm probably not the only person in my generation who feels this way. I have friends who use Facebook to promote their music shows and send invites for birthday parties. It's a very big part of my social life, and that might be something I'm missing. I'm hoping with this social-media fast that my brain will kind of recalibrate itself - go back to my life pre-social media. I hope to become more focused, more productive, for my brain to be a little less scattered and all over the place. I really hope I ...


Diary 1, It was beginning to gnaw at me,this irksome fretting over my last day at the office. At various times in my life I have struggled with the theory of zoe and for this time I felt a looser.  The silver chain at my humbled crib at Genesis Apartments swung gently from a draft creeping into the house through partially finished walls.The chain,as it brushed up against the dusty  60~watt bulb protruding from one of the wood rafters played a song with the hollow whistle of wind that sneaked in the poorly sealed windows.Tink.tink...ti tink. The lonely noise went on for a long moment,then a short phlegmy cough punctured the quiet and the shuffle of papers,and a chair leg scrape ended the winsome song. I pulled my blue knitted warmer tighter,I stiffened my spine as if in defiance of the bitging August air seeping into the house.I padded to my white enamel stove .The ancient stove chipped and yellowing,popped to life as I turned the knob.I placed a copper tea kettle onto the burn...